
Can my dog eat apples and are they harmful to my pet?

Can My Dog Have Apples and are They Harmful?

While being a pet owner one of the many asked questions is “Is it safe for my pet to eat X or Y”. It’s hard to keep track if you have different kinds of pets, and even different types of breeds. What may be fine for a big dog may not be safe for a small dog. One of the most healthy snack treats that people are curious if their dog can have is apples. Yes, dogs can eat apples in moderation. Apples are a safe and healthy treat for most dogs Apples are a healthy and safe treat for […]

5 Pros and Cons of Local Dog Parks

Taking your dog to a dog park can have both advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to consider your dog’s temperament, socialization skills, and health, as well as your own preferences. Here are some pros and cons of taking your dog to a dog park: Pros: Socialization: Dog parks provide an opportunity for your dog to socialize with other dogs, which can be beneficial for their overall behavior and temperament. Exercise: Dog parks offer a large, open space for your dog to run and play, providing them with much-needed exercise. Mental stimulation: Interacting with other dogs and exploring a new environment […]

How To Stop Tear Stains With These Top Tips From Experts

It’s time to get rid of your dog’s tear stains that are natural, but very noticeable on white haired dogs especially. All breeds can get tear stains, and yes they are a sign of a medical condition, but the good news it that they are non-serious and harmless for the majority of the time! If you want to get rid of that reddish-brownish look and medical conditions have been ruled out by your veterinarian there are products from over-the-counter that can help stop and get rid of such a problem. So lets take a dive into the causes of these […]