Signs of Anxiety in your Dog and what you can do if they’re scared

Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety. While the signs of anxiety may vary from dog to dog, here are 10 of the most common indicators that your dog may be anxious: 1. Excessive barking: If your dog is barking more than usual or is barking excessively in certain situations, it may be a sign of anxiety. 2. Restlessness: Dogs with anxiety may show signs of restlessness, such as pacing back and forth or being unable to settle down. 3. Panting and pacing: Increased panting and pacing can be signs of anxiety in dogs. If your dog is pacing in a […]

A Dog’s Nose Is Amazing: How Does A Dog’s Nose Work?

A dog’s nose is truly amazing.  They have anywhere from 100 million to 300 million olfactory receptors in their nasal cavity.  Their nasal tissues are 30 times larger than a human, and the area of the dog’s brain dedicated to analyzing and processing scents is proportionately about 40 times larger than humans. Here are some amazing facts about a dog’s sense of smell!   1. VOMERONASAL ORGAN: Dog’s have an organ located inside their nasal cavity that opens into the roof of their mouth! It is called a vomeronasal organ and is also known as Jacobson’s organ.  Nerves from the organ […]

The Best Toy For Little Dogs

Koko’s number 1 best lil dog toy to play with! Do you have a smaller sized dog and find it hard to find that one toy your dog will love forever? I have searched and bought my little Shih Tzu/Bichon Teddybear dog Koko numerous toys, that I lost count after 20. She’ll play with them for a few days and then want a completely new toy to satisfy her. We couldn’t find a great toy until one Christmas year, when Koko’s Auntie Em (no not the aunt from the Wizard of OZ), gifted her HOLYSTEED small rubber balls that we […]