Ian F.

Writer, blogger, baker, and lover of all animals.

The author has 18 posts

Top 10 Small Dog Breeds as Pets for Kids

Choosing the right dog breed for your family is essential, especially when you have children. Small dog breeds are often a great option for kids due to their manageable size, friendly nature, and compatibility with an active family lifestyle. In this post, we present the top 10 small dog breeds that make excellent companions for children. Beagle: The Beagle is a small, friendly, and curious breed known for its playful nature. Beagles are great with kids, as they are affectionate, patient, and enjoy joining in on family activities. They have a keen sense of smell and love exploring, making them […]

Thundershirts for Small Dogs: Simple To Use and Reduces Anxiety

Dogs, just like humans, can experience anxiety and stress in various situations. Thunderstorms, fireworks, separation, and even car rides can trigger anxiety in our beloved pets. To alleviate these anxieties and provide comfort, Thundershirts have emerged as a popular solution for many pet owners. Thundershirts are specially designed garments that wrap around dogs snugly, applying gentle, constant pressure. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Thundershirts for small dogs, how they work, and how they can help create a sense of security and calmness for our furry friends. Understanding Thundershirts:Thundershirts are unique anxiety-reducing garments for dogs. They are […]

Will a Small Amount of Onion Hurt My Dog?

A small amount of onion is generally not immediately toxic to dogs, but it can still be harmful and should be avoided. Onions, along with other members of the Allium family (such as garlic, shallots, and leeks), contain compounds that can damage a dog’s red blood cells, leading to a condition called hemolytic anemia. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is an immune system disease in which the body attacks and destroys its own red blood cells. In dogs with AIHA, red blood cells are still being manufactured in the bone marrow, but once released into the circulation, they have a shorter-than-normal […]