A dog’s nose is truly amazing. They have anywhere from 100 million to 300 million olfactory receptors in their nasal cavity. Their nasal tissues are 30 times larger than a human, and the area of the dog’s brain dedicated to analyzing and processing scents is proportionately about 40 times larger than humans. Here are some amazing facts about a dog’s sense of smell!
1. VOMERONASAL ORGAN: Dog’s have an organ located inside their nasal cavity that opens into the roof of their mouth! It is called a vomeronasal organ and is also known as Jacobson’s organ. Nerves from the organ connect directly to the brain and are unique in that they only detect “undetectable” odors, such as chemicals like pheromones. Pheromones are chemical substances that are secreted outside of the body in fluids like urine and sweat. They are a hidden form of communication. They send signals from one individual to another of the same species. Scientists are not sure if they exist in humans. This organ helps newborn puppies find their mother’s milk source and identify their mother among other female adult dogs. Puppies also have heat sensors in their noses that help them locate their mothers.
2. NOSTRILS: Dogs can operate their two nostrils independently of one another, allowing them to determine the direction from which an odor is coming and follow it to the source. When a dog inhales air it is directed into two different passages, one for smelling and one for breathing. They are constantly processing oxygen and odors at the same time through two independent systems. Exhaled air pushes even more odor molecules into their nose, thus giving dogs the ability to smell continuously!
3. BREEDS WITH SUPER STRONG NOSES: The following breeds have superpowered snouts! Bloodhounds, Beagles, German Shepherds, Dachshunds, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Scottish Terriers and Springer Spaniels. Some of these super-breeds are professionally trained to hunt and track specific odors. These breeds are also most famously known to be trained and used by K-9 police units internationally.
4. SCENT MEMORY: Dogs have a fantastic scent memory where they can identify people and animals they haven’t seen in years! They can sniff out fear, anxiety, happiness, and pregnancy based on our hormones.
5. IMPORTANT JOBS USING THEIR NOSES: Dogs can be trained for many important jobs such as: detect cancer, malaria, epileptic seizures, predict migraines, hunt truffles, detect insects and pests, work with law enforcement, detect allergens and many more.
Lastly, giving your dog an opportunity to use their nose will satisfy their natural instincts and improve their overall health. There are many activities you can do with your dog to encourage them to use their sniffing abilities. You can purchase a Snuffle Mat or simply hide treats in various toys. You can send your dog on a search mission around the house or in the backyard. Simply hide treats under cups in various places, and they will love it!